Wednesday 1 December 2010

Coming home

The sayonara parties are over,
the last presents exchanged,
case packed,
(overweight with all those presents)
and he's in the air on the way to Dubai.

All he has to do now is find a UK airport
fit to land a plane tomorrow.

And we have to find a motorway
clear enough to drive on.

I've bought the Thermos flasks,
and industrial quantities of Fruit and Nut chocolate.


  1. And don't forget the blankets, the shovel, the bit of carpet, the chargers, and a huge amount of patience. Hope it all goes well!

  2. How exciting that he is coming home. Safe journeys to all of you.

  3. Hope that the return of your littl'un isn't too fraught and frustrating..

  4. Hope he reaches home safely and without too much trauma.

  5. Because you are so well provisioned, it will all be much smoother than you anticipate. And then you will have lots of chocolate left over.
