A dramatic walk, full of incident.
I tripped over a branch buried like a snare in the shingle,
but did not this time lose my glasses,
only my dignity.
And here you see the moment when husband and son
stood at a fairly safe distance on posts.
Followed by the moment when husband,
(as I fondly imagined), was wisely stepping down to retreat,
only to discover that in a fit of uncharacteristic bravado,
he had decided to move forward
onto the next post.
See that approaching wave?
Not pictured is the moment
when he realised the folly of this move.
Son engineered a spectacular pratfall of his own
after attempting a controlled slide down a steep shingle bank.
( I think he did it to make us feel better.)
Joyce Carol Oates said of Saul Bellow's characters that they,
'not only survive their snarled problems and pratfalls
but learn from their experiences
and are articulate about their learning.'
This may be a good enough aim for 2013.
I leave you with a selection of beach bouquets
and my best wishes for a Happy
and almost pratfall free,
New Year.