Tuesday 14 December 2010

Blog bidden

Since I started blogging
I have been travelling across continents,

peering in at lighted windows
and marvelling at the industry within.

It would not otherwise have occurred to me 
that it might be fun to make Waldorf stars.
But I saw some people making them here
and felt compelled to do the same.
I substituted tissue paper for kite paper.

Granola is next on my list of things to do
because blogs tell you how to.
You might like Amanda's recipe,
if you are not fazed by an ingredients list that has
cups of brown rice syrup and coconut oil.
It's all part of the fun of going abroad.


  1. 'Useful or beautiful' lives up to its motto with this post. The star is most creative and beautiful, and the recipe useful for a satisfying and nutritious meal.

  2. Yes, there is certainly endless creative inspiration around the bloggysphere. Your stars are very festive!

  3. I started my blog as somewhere to record things that I have seen or that have caught my eye, I never thought of what I would find.
    I didn't know about Followers or Following ...it is in Following that I have got so much enjoyment, I have learnt so much. I sit here and travel around the world and I have seen wonders that I might never have seen if it wasn't for blogs ...such as the winter wonderland those in the northern hemisphere are experiencing now, birds, plants, landscapes ....and these beautiful stars you have created.

  4. Those starts are beautiful and I am a granola maker who will definitely check out that link for a new recipe. Thanks for sharing your finds.

  5. "Coconut oil?
    No problem, Madam. How many litres?
    And will that be regular, virgin or extra virgin?"

    "Rice syrup?
    From Kerala or Basmati rice, Madam....."

  6. Absolutely stunning stars. I agree re blogging and have been able to marvel at New Zealand South Island Robins on previous commentator Marilyn's blog.
