Monday 1 March 2010

A confession

Some people buy shoes.

Some people buy yarn.

I buy


Here are a few more I bought for this year
because it has been a long winter 
and her catalogue* lifted my spirits.

 I once sat next to Sarah Raven on a train.

She was on her way to a meeting with the National Trust
after moving back to Sissinghurst with her husband Adam Nicholson.
They were in the middle of a right royal tussle over their vision for
change, much of which was televised on BBC4.
I have yet to visit The Granary restaurant in its latest incarnation
but the head chef sounded pretty resistant to Sarah's ideas
for transforming the restaurant 
with fresh produce grown on the estate.
I have however visited Perch Hill on an open day
and seriously toyed with the idea of acquiring
one of these because it suddenly seemed
to be the obvious solution to having A Room of One's Own.

* By chance I have just opened it at her description for 
Borage White EASY
A lovely white-flowered borage, Rose Gray from the River Cafe has also taught me to use the whole growth tip, buds and flowers of the plant dipped into batter and served in a garden Fritto Misto. The Italians wilt its leaves for a sauce for pasta and stuffing for ravioli, so use borage for more than just its flowers. 
It's a lovely plant, which self-sows.

Rose Gray 1939-2010


  1. My name's Cathy, and I am a seed-a-holic........... not only do I buy them, I save them too.

    Very sad news re Rose Gray... what a loss......

  2. they put such great pictures on seed packets ...
