Monday 15 March 2010

Upturned faces


  1. Now that was a lovely way to start my day - such a song of hope!

  2. Mrs M pointed me in your direction.
    This awakened a memory for me..years ago, in my 20th year at Easter, which was early that year, I took a holiday job as a silver service waitress in a huge hotel in Grasmere. My time off was limited and very precious. One day after serving 300+ breakfasts and laying three hundred+ lunch places I escaped for a walk which was to take me past Dove Cottage and up onto White Moss Common. As I was leaving the hotel grounds via the staff 'barracks' the sun came out in that piercing way it does in March, and at that moment from one of those huts came that song. Those familiar opening notes always evoke that moment for me.
