Monday, 7 November 2011

Chim chiminee

The last fire in the old grate,
during which we were well and truly kippered.

First thing this morning the work began

to enlarge and prepare the opening

for the new woodstove.
The noise and the mess were indescribable,
but I know it will be worth it in the end.


  1. I had the same experience a year ago, and have mostly forgotten the trauma and dust, and still rejoice in the cosy beauty of a stove. May you have a happy winter watching flickering flames.

  2. I've just lit our wood burner for the first time since last winter. I do love it. I'm sure you'll find all the mess and inconvenience quickly forgotten when you light your wood burner for the first time

  3. That's a lovely double aspect room you have there. I trust the lodger is coping with the disruption.

  4. Our lodger has disappeared. We rather miss him.

  5. That is going to be wonderful when it is finished.

  6. Trust me.......... it is SO worth it.

  7. Wonderful catch-up with your blog this morning. Wood stoves are a wonder. I wish I still had one.
