Tuesday, 22 February 2011

A lovely morning interlude*

because it isn't all errant electricians,
leaky plumbing
and Black Mould round here.

Sometimes people just offer to come and play
Fauré and Saint-Saëns 
'if you wouldn't mind',
before a return-to-the-concert-platform event
following surgery.

*See also A lovely evening interlude


  1. So much nicer than nipping out to Sainsbury's!

  2. ....or scrubbing floors, windows etc! Grace and beauty! Thank you.

  3. With such beautiful morning interludes as this, there's no need to go shopping for hand towels...

  4. How marvelous to be surrounded by such music ...such an improvement on household problems.
    I have been catching up on some of your latest posts.

  5. You have people coming to your house to ask if you mind if they play wonderful music? Gosh, I wish that would happen here, it would be magical.
