Monday, 14 February 2011

Another stray coin

The best of England, thought Mrs Miniver,
as opposed to countries with reasonable climates,
is that it is not only once a year that you can say,
"This is the first day of spring."

Today was one of those days
when the sun shone a little more warmly,
the birds sang a little more sweetly
and even the garden of doom 
had snowdrops and crocuses
to show off.

While it lasted that day had been part of 
the authentic currency of spring -
a stray coin tossed down carelessly on account.


  1. Beautiful photos...there's nothing like that just yet where I'm from. We're still snow-covered. Another reason I wish I lived in England!

  2. I've been neglecting blogland - thank you for a lovely few inutes catching up with "U or B" world

  3. Miss Miniver is wonderful. My snowdrops are just starting to open, but no crocuses yet, except the ones on the photo my niece sent from Vancouver Island.

  4. refreshing sights where we are still covered with snow ...

  5. You captured this beautiful early herald perfectly.
