Sunday 4 October 2009


Many hours in the garden today,
returning the abundant but spent growth back to the soil,
via compost heaps,
which first had to be emptied
into raised beds that had to be repaired.

I paused just long enough to rescue these from the tangle

to give them a last chance to shine.

Meanwhile, waiting impatiently in the wings,

the Paperwhites have put on extraordinarily rapid growth
in just one week.

Could everything just slow down a bit,
I'm feeling quite giddy.

On October 2nd the newsreader announced at 6 a.m that it was
November 2nd
and no one corrected him.

Merry Christmas everyone.


  1. and a happy new year to you!


    those flowers are just gorgeous! i do not have a green thumb, and though i love flowers INside my home, i just don't have the time (or knowledge) to plant them outside. maybe as my girls get a bit older and things slow down a bit...hmmm...we'll see!

    enjoy the new growth and the colours!!

  2. The man on the radio yesterday said it was 5 0'clock when it was 6 0'clock, and I thought maybe the clocks had gone back.

  3. I love the jewel like intensity of Nasturtium colours.
