Friday 9 October 2009

Go Slow

This is my mother's red Morroco leather manicure set.

Here are the contents, most of them a complete mystery to me
but presumably not to her.
It sat on a proper dressing table.
And she sat in front of it,

Here is the sort of table that would do it justice and
there is the sort of person I might have been,
glimpsed in the mirror adjusting my earrings.

This is the contemplative pose that I might have struck while
toying with an emery board,

or applying make up.

There's that deeply self-absorbed gaze again,
the one that says,
'There's really no hurry'.

'Admire your pearls.'

'Brush your hair - 100 strokes each night.'

'Powder your face.'

'Put on your hat.'

'The world can wait.'

1 comment:

  1. "The world can wait"...yes!!!!

    Love all the images:)

    Hope you have a good weekend, Lucille!
