Thursday 29 October 2009

It's not all beer and skittles

Making a guest room habitable for a friend this weekend,

sorting out long dormant art supplies,

welcoming home son from an 18th birthday party
all in one piece,

washing the floors,

Hoovering the carpets,

packing a large fragile parcel to send overseas
then remembering there's a postal strike,

trying to give things away
on Freecycle to people who don't show up,

shopping for supper,

driving other son to GP,

collecting a prescription,

driving same son to A&E,

ironing the shirts,

wondering if a husband's interview over the phone to Australia
went well,

welcoming son home from A&E
all in one piece,

cooking the supper,

slipping out to get back my sense of perspective
somewhere in the middle of all that,

and wondering where the expression:

'It's not all beer and skittles' comes from.


  1. Blimey! So that's what you get up to when I let you out of my sight for a day.

  2. whew! you are one busy lady! love how you stopped each chaotic moment with a breath of beauty, lucille!

    and can i just say...i've never even heard that expression? now you've got me curious!

  3. liked very much the continuum of your post (I'd be interested to hear what poets you admire?) - inspired and slightly humbled,sometimes its very easy to appreciate beauty and avoid reality of our lives and to see both being portrayed sensitively quite stopped me in my tracks,pleased your son was okay from his visit to a & e.

  4. Thank you all.
    AF: I will have to give some thought to the poets as I am lately exploring many well known ones as if for the first time.

  5. Beautiful series of photos!

