Tuesday, 29 July 2014

The Bill 2

Just came home from Waitrose*
to find an armed police raid in full swing next door.
Not what one expects.

And to think, only hours earlier
I had been sitting on the swing seat with a Magnum.
By which I mean one of these

lest there be any confusion in your minds.

I was reminded of the joke about the Peter Jones*
department store being where you should go in the event
of a nuclear attack, as nothing bad can ever happen there.

Surely I couldn't be expected to unpack Waitrose hummus
with plain clothes officers swarming about the place.

This must qualify me for inclusion here.

* Peter Jones and Waitrose are operated by the John Lewis Partnership


  1. Thank you for today's laugh out loud moment! I think I have a new Facebook page to follow...
    I hope all is well in your 'hood, Lucille! (That's gangster speak for neighbourhood)

  2. Oh dear - trouble at t'mill. Hardly appropriate for a Waitrose shopper. Those comments were hilarious and I believe every one of them to be true.

  3. oh my. certainly worthy of "overheard in Waitrose"........ although of course now you are associated with criminals they may not let you shop there anymore.......

  4. Oh wow! Perhaps someone called the police because they saw a woman hanging around with a magnum??

    I need to get back to England to check out this Waitrose phenomenon.

  5. You don't get this sort of thing in our Lidl . No Manchego either , sadly .

  6. Waitrose Tenterden? Spent many, many hours pushing children around there in trolleys. Hope all is peace and quiet again. Thank you so much for all your advice about Stockholm. We had a very special time.

  7. I hope that no-one was hurt in the raid. Do you know any more about it?
