Thursday, 24 July 2014

Returning to the nest

Hot news.
The seagull has landed.
O. is home from his year in Japan.
Just got to get through baggage reclaim.


  1. And your heart has just dropped back into its right place, as my mother would have said......

  2. Pretty little gull! You must be so happy to have O home, even though I know how much more cooking that involves :-)

  3. First it was the Tall Cat - now it's a seagull - you are definitely an animal whisperer. I can't believe how quickly that year went - although I expect it seemed a lot longer for you.

  4. Awwww.......... to everything, the photos, the seagull and your young man being home again.

  5. Glad yours is home, ours just finished her probationary period and is signing a long term contract to stay indefinitely in Japan.

  6. If O is your son, I am very, very happy for you.

  7. Hello, I have now (or, my daughter has now) removed Sitemeter from my blog. At a suitable moment, could you see if the problem has now gone away, and let me know? I did a survey of bloggy friends and only a few were hearing the music - on the other hand, it does sound as if it was tedious. Thanks!

  8. Good news indeed, enjoy your time together.

  9. Just read your quilt post: it looked beautiful to me. Well done.

  10. You will be letting him in , I hope ?
    O. , I mean , not the gull .
