Thursday, 2 January 2014

Stormy weather

It's going to feel a little bit breezy out here
in the wide open spaces of this blog.
I am battling against a head wind with my rudimentary
understanding of Blogger.

Bear with.

Edited to add:
Thank you for your encouragment.
I just need to find a way of making a banner fit across the whole width now.
Rather miss my old one but it was too chunky.


  1. Good luck! And a very happy new year!
    Jo x

  2. Will do! Happy New Year!

    xo J

  3. My iPad won't let me comment on your blog, but I want to start the year by thanking you for writing it.
    The days you post are always bright (even if it's cloudy :)

  4. Trying again. Having trouble commenting after someone *ahem* synced up my new iPad with the computer a few months ago. Now nothing works.
    Thank you for your blog. It is always a bright spot in my day, no matter what the weather on your end :)
    Happy New Year!

  5. You're brave! Happy New Year.

  6. You are doing well Lucille, it's scary when you first start "playing" with changing your blog, but well worth it. Your photos look great in their larger format.

  7. Blogger suits you. I like it more than Wordpress, but the photo limitation thing that I ran into and couldn't resolve drove me away. Always so much to learn, isn't there! (which is a good thing, I suppose....)

  8. Whatever the size all your photos , and especially this one , are magnificent !

  9. IMHO, it doesn't really need to go right across the page and over your side-bar. It looks very good the way it is. Your wide open space looks wonderful.

    1. I'm having a stab at it, because it's good for the little grey cells, but you might well be right.

  10. How did you resolve the banner size? That's what I've been hoping to do but can't figure out.

    1. It isn't right yet. The picture I used hasn't stood up to the enlargement well. I will try to remember what I did but I am not a techie and it is all rather hit and miss. The free website Pic Monkey allowed me to upload pictures and resize them.
      I had already put the text on a photograph using the now defunct Picnik.

  11. I was fond of the pegs, my dear. They were very like the missing three from my own collection.
