Monday 8 July 2013

Azores High

What is the Azores High?

It is a semi-permanent anticyclonic region;
part of a belt of subtropical anticyclones
on the northern hemisphere.
Movement of the system poleward in summer
has a major impact on the climate of Europe.
When the pressure centre shifts towards 30ºN
across the Iberian peninsula, a ridge might build as far as
the south-eastern UK.
(That's where you are my dear.)
This is when the typical mid to late summer heatwaves arrive,
with very hot temperatures and persistent dry weather.
The temperatures can easily climb to 30ºC, 90ºF.*
But it is a feature that has been missing from
the past few summers.

I see. And what should I do when it arrives?

Why then you should seek cool and pleasant places.

Perhaps the White Garden at Sissinghurst
before the crowds arrive.

Or a river 

with boats for hire

and a willing oarsman.

For this is the stuff that memorable summers are made of.

*Information gleaned from


  1. Just looking at the White Garden has made me feel cooler. Isn't this weather just as it was when we were children?

  2. Interesting, so that's the reason why I'm melting? :)

  3. So lovely and so very different from summer in my neck of the woods

  4. Oh that White Garden, isn't it just so perfect!

    And I'm with Liz on this one, it's too darn hot!

  5. Lucille, NYC is still in the grip of a very unpleasant span of hot and humid days and nights. Thank you so much for sending this post with its views of how beautiful July can be...even outdoors.


  6. Yes , there's a lot to be said for watching others mess about in boats . Very cooling ...

  7. So many lovely summer scenes.
