Saturday 4 September 2010

Little weed

The last occupant of a window box
having its moment in the sun.
And if you are my age
this is the memory it will may well trigger.

 I think my viewing week consisted of:
Picture Book, Monday,
 Andy Pandy,Tuesday,
Bill and Ben - Wednesday
Rag, Tag, and Bobtail, Thursday,
and The Woodentops, Friday.
I loved the noise of Patricia Driscoll's
scissors cutting paper so precisely.
She taught us how to make Chinese lanterns.

Which was your favourite?
Revisit them all here.


  1. They remade Bill and Ben a few years ago. It was unspeakable.

  2. Oh, I remember the squeaky scissors!

  3. Lovely post; television didn't come to NZ until 1960 and it was a few years before we had it in our home so I didn't have any childhood TV shows.

  4. Oh flowerpots! The best character voices! Looking at it again the backdrop/ little set is lovely.
    Thank you for the Milly link. I photographed her quilt too, good to make contact with her.
    I recommend the Winifred Nicholson book, at least have a good look through it in a book shop if you get the chance.
