Thursday 1 July 2010

Our Broad Beans

but Our Being Abroad for one week this summer
is suddenly in jeopardy.
The house owner says she hasn't received our payment.
Impossible says our Bank.
It has gone.
It has had more than enough time to arrive.
Tell them to check again.
Righty ho. 
I'll add that to the list.


  1. Oh I do hope that it all gets sorted in time for you to have your holiday - I couldn't think of anything nore disappointing.
    ps... I LOVE broad beans!

  2. Finger cross you get away.....

    ps.... I HATE broad beans!
    (He grows them and HE eats them!)

  3. Oh no! What's worse, a wobble before your holidays (I'm sure it can be sorted out if the bank supports your side of the transaction) or having to eat broad beans?

  4. Broad Beans , lovely . Anything to do with bank transfers , Horrible .
    Good Luck .
