Wednesday 9 October 2013

Ahead of my game

Even if I do nothing else for the garden,
I have vowed,
(people always vow, confess and admit
in magazine lifestyle articles don't they?)
that I will do bulbs properly this year.

No sooner had these L'Innocence hyacinths
arrived, than they were tucked into
glass forcing vases and put into a dark place.

They might even flower in time for Christmas
which would be a first.

Next up, the Paperwhite narcissi
but I must find a way of stopping them from flopping.

Edited to add, this from Rachael.


  1. Just before I read 'I must stop them from flopping' I asked, "But how will she stop them from flopping?" I love paperwhites, but their stems just get so long as they reach for the light. I hope your hyacinth do arrive in time for Christmas. Wouldn't that be a gift in itself?

  2. I found this:
    and if it doesn't work, well, you know what to do with the leftover alcohol.....

  3. You look well prepared for the coming months.

  4. I had never heard of glass forcing vases in my sheltered life. Now I must have some. I have been looking up the technique; is it important, I wonder, to chill the bulbs beforehand?

  5. You must buy the hyacinths prepared for forcing. They have been chilled for you.

  6. Drunken Paperwhites? You heard it here first!

  7. Any alcohol around here will be sipped appreciiatively by me , before I put the Amaryllis in pots in the broom cupboard .
    Good luck with the Paper-Whites !
