Friday, 25 April 2014

Never lost in translation

And finally, a big arigato gozaimashita to the reason we were there,
our very excellent son, guide, cab hailer and interpreter extraordinaire.


  1. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos - what an experience and interesting how our children open up our world. I do hope you're not missing him too much though.

  2. I'm sure you had a great trip and no doubt seeing your son was the best part. Can't wait to go over and see our daughter.

  3. What wonderful places your talented and wise son showed you. Please pass along many thanks from folks like me who have been delighted to tag along on your journey via your excellent blog posts.


  4. Quite the best reason for going anywhere ...

  5. Thanks for taking me as close to Japan as I will ever get. Wonderful pictures, as always.
    You're very fortunate (I was going to say "lucky", but I'm sure luck has played very little part) to have such a son.

  6. I'm quite sure he is such a good guide because you led him there first! Does that make sense?
