Saturday 6 May 2017

It was all going so well

Lush flowers. 

Blue skies.

Serene swan.

Fresh ferns.

Smiling lambs.

Sparkling sea.

And then the wind changed.

And it has been grim grey ever since,
with a side order of chilly wind
and a return to winter clothing
of which I am heartily sick.

So I took a leaf out of Lotta's book
and culled the towels
and then felt happy for Freda
and anyone else who isn't sitting under a cloud.

Perhaps some of you remember 
I get updates from there from time to time
and have vicariously enjoyed a recent trip 
to the tea plantations of Munnar
and an Ashram at Kurisumala.

Time to pack my bags perhaps.
That will guarantee an improvement in the weather at home.
We are the people who arrive at any destination to be greeted by the words,

'Oh if only you had been here last week. It was glorious.'


  1. Beautiful even when grey though I think. I hope it warms up for you soon. I'm tired of winter clothes too. Surely not long now... CJ xx

  2. The same here and very chilly... until this morning. Sunshine and a predicted high of 17c today - what a relief! Not as intense as that beautiful Indian light though. I hope the towel cull was therapeutic - I'm imagining a Sara Berman-esque linen cupboard at your house now... :-)

    1. It is a huge improvement! The cupboard. Not the weather.

  3. Beautiful scenery from both parts of the world. Spring is finally making an appearance here.

  4. Your lambs are beautifully svelte and springy . Ours all look as though they've been blown up with a bicycle pump and rolled in a puddle .

  5. Very much hoping that Wednesday night will bring us, grey and wet to go with our chilly ;~)

  6. Lucille, it has been a joy to take an evening break from my consumption of scary political news developments, and have a leisurely catch up tour of your recent posts. Beautiful flowers! Our flowering spring weather arrived much later than yours, and it was only in the past few weeks that Central Park seemed to be hosting a flower festival.
    And then...just as you've reported, our weather grew cold again. Yes, leaves are growing outward from tree branches, and pollen is playing havoc with noses and eyes of folks like myself whose allergic reactions need a strong prompt.

    A good side of this mix is that the spring flowering season has lasted almost into mid-May. I'll focus on that, for now,
