Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Green and pink

After a briefly warm interlude,

the clouds have rolled back in
and the heavens have opened.

But if we want green, 
and no hose pipe ban,
we're going to need a replenished water table
after the driest April on record.

This little one is back.
We will have her for her first overnight stay soon.
The guest suite has been prepared.

And I managed to finish this jacket before she grew out of it,
but fear it might not meet with her approval
as it is not pink.
Yes, that's the way the land lies despite no obvious gender bias
being put into operation for her clothes, toys or furnishings at home -
up until now, when she is able to make her preferences crystal clear. 
(See pink toenails above.)


  1. What a lovely welcoming room, and the jacket is perfection, I love the colours and the finishing edging. Girls and pink, it's an odd thing isn't it. At least you will know what colour to use for the next one! Your photos of all the green are glorious, I just love this time of year, suddenly the leaves seem so heavy and healthy. CJ xx

  2. Wonderful glittery little feet! And is that a parakeet? The jacket is beautiful. Hopefully having something new and lovingly made will override the pink setting, but if not then maybe a pink accessory could be attached?

  3. It must be some kind of gender genetics. My three granddaughters have all favored pink and then purple at one time or another. May I request your recipe for tootsie painting? I know three girls ages 5-11 who would love to try it.

    When my second granddaughter stayed overnight for the first time, I laid down with her for awhile to help her go to sleep. I was wearing my gray flannel pajamas with arctic foxes, snow hares and polar bears on them. Punkybean wiggled and chatted and blew her nose countless times with the tissues I had left for her on the night table. After 45 minutes, I decided my presence was only adding to the restlessness, so I slipped out of bed, tucked her in and kissed her good-night, promising to keep the door wide open. Punkybean burst into tears and wailed: "But Gramma, I can't sleep without polar bears!"

    1. I'm sorry I don't have a recipe. That is her mother's picture. It looks as if glitter was involved. We babysat last night and I too found that I was inadvertently keeping her awake with my presence. She asked for another drink and I was able to slip out. She then went quiet and as she didn't call for me I decided not to go back. She was asleep soon after. Did you have to take the polar bears back in for long?

  4. Looks like you have that one covered.

  5. Yes, my daughter was determined to bring her son and daughter up equally. He loves traffic lights and road layouts and couldn't care less what he wears. She likes bunnies and butterflies and likes to dress up, preferably in pink, with accessories. That worked well.

    1. Yes I have observed this over at yours with interest!

    2. Yes, I have noticed this trend in Edinburgh too!

  6. The only one of my three daughters who 'went through a pink phase' was the redhaired one . The very redhaired one .
    I want to squidge my toes ,now , too .
