Saturday, 5 December 2015

Winging it

What do you do if you decide to make some mince pies
and discover that your mince pie tin is missing?
You get a fancy tin from the back of the cupboard,
thankful that you did not Kondo it

and make mince pie madeleines instead.

The broken one didn't spoil the line up for long.


  1. Lucille, I love your adoption of the madeleine tin for your mince pies. I think I can see my own, long-unused, madeleine tin on a top shelf. Cannot remember if I ever did have a mince pie tin. Something/s to investigate during the rest of December. Not many sources of store-bought mince pies around this town, so I might yet make some myself.

    You've inspired me! xo

    1. You must. I have the perfect pastry recipe if you like short, sweet pastry.

    2. Lucille, I think that my baking activities might begin in about 10 days. I would love to have your pastry recipe, whenever it might be convenient for you.


  2. They look exquisitely elegant. If the Harrods fine foods buyer reads this blog, which is highly likely, he or she will be stealing the idea in a jiffy.

  3. Very resourceful! I wonder if they tasted better for their more refined shape?

  4. they surely look more appealing!

  5. Wonderful. I am holding you in even higher esteem now that I know you are the owner of a madeleine tray. CJ xx

    1. You are too kind. I must dig out more kitchen implements for unconventional use. It could be a theme for when I run out of blog post ideas.

  6. Aah so it did 'come in handy one day'!
    I'm guessing mince pie tray is lurking in the same parallel universe as all the other missing objects, that space where no-one has more than one foot.

    1. I know I've shot myself in the (sockless) foot by admitting to this.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Inspired use of specialised tin and much prettier end result.

  9. I've just been catching up with my favourite blogs after a ridiculously busy month or two... Some really beautiful pictures here, and mince pie madeleines - why not? I agree with the above comment too - they'll be appearing on shop shelves before too long.

  10. How elegant !

    And I'm impressed by your efficient quality control , too .
