Saturday 28 March 2015

Forward March*

I took very few pictures of my visit to Two Temple Place
- my phone makes a loud shuttery kerlik noise
which cannot be turned off because it's Japanese
and it's The Law.
However, I had to have a record of these wonderful windows.
I would ask for them as my luxury
in case I was cast away on a barren island.

I was mightily impressed by the attention to detail in the Ladies.
Half a pipe was grained to match the panelling.
For a more erudite and complete report of the exhibition
Cotton to Goldcurrently on show, 
you can do no better than to visit Katherine here.

*The clocks go forward tonight. 
This is the only way I can remember it.
Baby B. who is currently staying with us
will wake around 6 am tomorrow.


  1. Absolutely stunning. I love that stained glass and I also love the idea of it as a desert island luxury, in your beach hut I think would be best.

  2. Good morning! I just came across your blog via another (can't recall which). It is a delight, thank you so much. I am in awe of your beautiful photos. I will be reading rhrough your archives during this holiday period, and I know getting great pleasure from doing so.
    All good wishes, Deborah

  3. Wonderful windows! I shall follow your links now - you always lead us on to amazing places.

    You march forward - we spring forward (into Spring, or fall back into Fall....) either way, the animals remain confused about mealtimes for weeks.

  4. Thankyou so much for the mention, very kind of you. I love your photos of the stained glass. I took a few but didn't use them in my post. As for the clocks going forward, it wasn't particularly good timing for us as my eldest had his 18th birthday party last night. 18 year olds, loud music and beer. We weren't invited. It went well, the worse thing to clear up this morning was an extremely sticky beery kitchen floor.

  5. Wow, how beautiful. I had never heard of it. The colours are spectacular. I had thought of taking Vermeer's Lacemaker to the desert island but your windows might be more weatherproof so if I'm cast away before you...

  6. Lucille, those windows are true visual treats! Thank you so much for taking the photographs, braving your camera's sound effects.

    I am going to have to come back to this post to take a look at the links, too. xo

  7. The glass is amazing .... and you may find your sharing your desert Island with quite a few of us !
    The 'wood grain' paint does look much more realitic that the stuff used in the '50s , when doors always seemed to be painted with it . Though the pipe was probably done by a professional decorator , rather than my mother wielding a 'comb' thingey and muttering imprecations which I wasn't supposed to hear ...

    1. All our Victorian doors at home were hand grained with a comb in thick brown varnish until my father panelled them all over with hardboard. I don't know which was worse!

  8. I hope you got a lie-in! Your camera (and you) take brilliant quality photographs. I must think what I would take to my desert island...

  9. There seems to have been a misunderstanding. That's my glass, Lucille!
