Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Brushing up my blokeish (again)

Some serious home maintenance is needed.


perhaps not quite as bad as


But this is the view from here
for the foreseeable future.

We escaped to Kew Gardens 
to see the newly refurbished Temperate House
with its pristine

new roof.

While ours was being ripped off.

And now, while you look at these fish who know not a day's worry 
about leaking roofs,I must go and practice.
My blokeish is terribly rusty and 
disconcertingly, they are right outside my first floor window.
I can hardly hear them though over the noise of the
falling slates and the tinny radio.


  1. As long as there are biscuits you can probably get away with a mere smattering of blokeish... I hope it doesn't take too long, it can be awfully stressful having people around 'doing things'... I never know where to put myself.

    1. 4-6 weeks they say and they rang at 7.30 this morning to say they couldn't come today. . .

  2. Hope you will be quickly sorted.
    I loathe having people working on the house.

  3. What's this summer's song or hasn't it been played often enough, yet?

    1. They stopped work today! A plethora of excuses at 7.30 am.

  4. Hope they're better than the ones I had! Can't be the same - they rang, mine would have simply not shown up.
    The Temperance House looks stunning, doesn't it?
