Wednesday 1 March 2017

Making oneself at home

Tall Cat tries new window for surprise effect.

Makes haste to sitting room,
eschewing usual bowl of milk
offered by assistant two. 

Settles in for photo session.

Offers either profile since both equally good.

Ready for his close up.

Dozes off momentarily. 

 Refreshed - accompanies assistant one to the computer
to oversee photo selection.

Makes last minute suggestions for captions.
Signs off and disappears
to wherever it is he spends the rest of his days.


  1. This handsome cat seems completely at home with you. Have you read 'Twinkles, Arthur and Puss' by Judith Kerr? It was a favourite with my three.

    1. No but will look for it as I am always happy to add to my picture book collection. We have Mog of course.

  2. Looks like he's/she's ready to take their place on the catwalk.

  3. There is something about a ginger cat, and he is such a handsome boy. You are lucky he chooses to spend time with you and also not to have to heave around heavy bags of food and sort out vaccinations, worming and parasite treatments and cover for holidays etc... I sometimes wonder quite why I thought I needed three cats (and the two dogs of course). I hope you enjoyed your day on the Sussex coast. I love spending time down there - maybe one day?

    1. Yes we've done our fair share of that with the three previous actually owned cats. One of them ginger (dear Rodgers) but very bad tempered.

  4. He is such an elegant creature, I should be honoured if he were to visit me.

  5. Next time he appears he'll have a portfolio of selfies with him ...

  6. I often host a marmalade cat called Digby. He likes to hang around while I garden and especially likes looking at his reflection in the pond. I adopted my dear departed cat after she decided she wanted to live with me. There are so many picture books that feature handsome cats - it must be because they are so willing to pose for the illustrator.

  7. How pleasant it is to wake up to toast and tea, an amusing visit with Lucille and her ginger cat, and a sunrise without rain or snow. Life is good.

  8. Look at his nose Lucille....... He's been in "scraps"............ Still handsome though (just saying).

    1. I've seen a couple of stand offs with a mean black cat in our garden. No contact but hackles raised .

  9. He suits that rug so well, too.

  10. You are privileged, Lucille. Cats don't visit just anyone, you know!

  11. I can almost hear him purring in the third picture - the splayed toes give it away!
