Our first whole day with the Busy B.
We are known as Gah collectively.
Or that might be cats.
Or cars.
She likes going to sleep in the sling
while you sing My Bonny Lies over the Ocean
in your dreariest voice.
She wakes from a nap with
a small self-congratulatory round of applause.
My glasses are not safe.
She likes watermelon, blueberries and pears.
She'll take your arm off for a ripe apricot.
She likes singing and
certain pages of all her many, many books.
She can stand up.
If she falls, she rolls like a stunt artist
in a James Bond movie.
She can rip a velcro pelican bib off with one hand.
This indicates that a meal is over.
An early night tonight I think.
We have another full day of delight tomorrow.