Friday 23 January 2015

Lost necklace update

No I haven't found it, but maybe the next best thing.
Thanks to all the Kondo-ing
I was going through my box of boxes and found a jewellery box
with the name Kate Higham on it.
I hadn't been able to remember the name of the maker
it was such a long time ago,
but it was worth a punt.
The internet came up with her website
and as she was Devon-based it seemed quite possible
that it was one of her pieces.

We spoke today and she is still in business
and will send me some pictures of current work.
She still uses gem stones and silver
so I'm hopeful that I can have a replacement
in time for my next birthday.

This should guarantee that the old one turns up.


  1. They will probably look good together...

    1. Good point. Two necklaces at the same time would represent the height of rock and roll glam for me! Next thing you'll be suggesting I get my ears pierced.

    2. You don't have your ears pierced? It is high time ;) Think of the possible combinations...

  2. It sat very comfortably. No scratchy bits.

  3. Maybe the loss of the necklace has led you to this artist? When a door closes, another one opens, they say...

  4. Oh, I shouldn't have holes punched in various parts of you . Eye-wateringly painful !
    But a growing collection of Kate Higham pieces sounds like a lovely idea .

  5. Kate Higham's designs are wonderful...I would love some of her items myself and can see why you'd like her to send a replacement for that still lost necklace. I do agree aht having a twin set would be just fine.


  6. I'm 'Kondo-ing' jewellery right now and finding it really hard to do did you? A good outcome with the necklace!

    1. The burglars did that for me twice so now I have almost no jewellery !

    2. How buoying that the burglars should deem your jewels worth taking.

    3. That's a new way of looking at it certainly. They were the real thing, rubies, diamonds and sapphires inherited when I was far too young to wear them or look after them properly. I don't think the local crims had any idea they would be so lucky. They were not adequately insured so I never replaced anything.

  7. Did you check the Piggery?

  8. That should do the trick. And then one day you perhaps will have two beautiful necklaces. Just remembered, I found our (small) camera in an art portfolio minutes before we set about claiming on house insurance.

    1. Will check my art portfolio. Will check anywhere now, however improbable. I have just checked down the side of a chair and found a £1 coin so that was a result.

  9. I have to ask. Do you really have a box of boxes?

    1. Yes I do! A few very good strong boxes of various sizes. These are proving useful as I reduce and re-package into smaller boxes, things that may previously have filled crates. I'm on toys and games now. Chicago Edition of Monopoly anyone?

  10. I've just taken a whole lot of books to a charity shop. But we still have lots and lots of toys and games that I'm keeping for the grandchildren. Not to say lots and lots of books for us.

  11. Not sure I could wear a gorgeous necklace like that - I would be constantly tempted to lick it, to determine the varying flavours.....

  12. Still kicking myself over an expensive Kondo-casualty here, so I sympathise!
