Wednesday 12 November 2014


on this book :

A new attitude to stuff and
what to do about it.


  1. Should I buy the book, Lucille? I am so swamped with work that I need life-changing magic but will this be it?

    1. It's aimed at helping you not to be buried by your belongings. If that's not an issue at Maison Pretty Far West then maybe not.
      Then again, it looks beyond the stuff, in a wider philosophical way and so far I am, in spite of myself, hooked and you might like her methods too. Whether I can carry it all out is another matter. I'm going to try.

  2. I finished it. I liked it a lot. I think I may just start by rolling up my tights. I know that sort of violates the whole premise, but it seems easier to get just a little bit ready before I jump right in --

    1. Yep. I did my socks. V. satisfying but not quite what she intended!

  3. This book intrigued me a lot. I like how your weird photos lead to it! And reading the title, one understands...:) Thanks for sharing! I've just asked my son to buy it for me.:)

  4. oh...kaaay - you know when you encounter the same thing not four, not five but now SIX times - well then you better accept it for the divine message that it probably is! Exactly six recommendations in less than a month. bookstore. now. :-) xx

    1. Yes I saw this on one quite unlikely blog not usually given to recommending books. Bought it and then saw it in an entirely unconnected place. I'd be interested to know where you saw it.

  5. Does it give advice on dealing with an untidy husband? If not I cannot progress to the start line.

    1. Yes it does. It expressly forbids you to tidy other people. She has more to say on that subject but to expand would entail a breach of copyright.

    2. I already love it ! Any book which forbids me to tidy other peoples' clutter up is worth reading .
      The only slight worry is that if I declutter MY space , it surely gives Husband more space to expand into ?

    3. I have to admit -- the problem of the untidy husband is very daunting, and I also fear that if I got rid of everything I didn't love I might find 8 dead radios (REALLY not loved by me) still in the middle of the living room floor. A problem, though she says it isn't.

  6. So intrigued Lucille. Kondo talks a lot about joy!? And the bit about untidy husbands - I'd say do it anyway, saying little, and quietly watch - you may be surprised,,,,I think I'll have to buy the book though. I often feel if I get just one good idea from these kinds of books they are probably worth it, and I'm fascinated at how many different ways there are at looking at one subject!

  7. Funnily enough, I was talking about this book with a friend yesterday. As a failed graduate of many decluttering schemes, I live in hope - but eagerly await the app that will do the tidying for you!

  8. Stuff looks good reflected on the shiny surface of a grand piano...

    Clutter is a touchy topic in this house. I like stuff - art, books, pretty things. My husband likes the absence of much of it.
