Sunday 24 March 2013

Watery light

It has come to something when even this 
pale shadow
stirred a little feeling of cheer.

I wish there was a way to store the happy optimism
and can-do energy
that sustained sunshine promotes.
The bright chard in the sink worked
momentarily, but really. . .

it is almost impossible to believe in spring,
let alone summer.

One happy event was our trip to
see our son collect his MA this weekend.
Nothing could cast a pall over that.

Te etiam admitto ad eundum gradum.


  1. Well done, clever son! And well done, proud parents.

    Summer will come, it will. (Won't it?)

  2. Congratulations to your son, I hope you were suitably proud of him?

    Your Chard looks good but some sun would be even better.

  3. Congratulations to your son, and to his parents, too, on all the days and years and study and dedication that contributed to this fine degree.

    Weather follows its own pathway. We are wise to observe it, honor it, and try to continue tp prepare for it, and enjoy its golden moments.


  4. You may not be an academic but you're more academic than me. I have no idea about foreign languages, including dead ones. Google Translate tells me the Latin means "You also admit to go a step", but that doesn't make much more sense to me than the Latin.

    Nonetheless, after recently attending my own son's graduation (just a Bachelors degree, achieved after taking about 8 years to do a four year degree due to multiple failures etc), I can understand a little of what you might be feeling...and that feeling is good!

    1. I'm told it translates as 'I admit you also to the same degree.' They go up in batches of four to speed the process up! This honour is just a quirk of the system whereby a BA is promoted to an MA after a six year tenure after the end of the first term in residence. No further exam is taken. It was a happier occasion than his initial graduation for many complicated reasons. Well done to your son for sticking with it.

  5. The chard is lovely! Congratulations to your accomplished son - you would be so proud. What colour combination was his cloak, I wonder?

    Spring will come. IT WILL!

  6. I wanted to send you this link - sometimes beauty just needs a little encouragement.
