Thursday, 26 November 2009

It's all Greek to me


on the way to


I had a headmistress with lofty ambitions for her girls.
She decided to teach us Ancient Greek.
Unfortunately she only had time to show us the alphabet 
and start us off on a textbook about the boy Thrasymachus.
The Greek alphabet was stuck on the wall opposite my seat at the dinner table,
so I absorbed that with my mother's good cooking.
For the rest, all I remember is how to say, 
'thunder and lightening',
'Greetings o Thrasymachus',
and most perpelexing of all, the words to the song,
'Oh dear, what can the matter be?'


  1. How lovely - a sunny day trip to Persephone Books. I hope that you found much to tempt you not just at Persephone but also in the shops nearby.

  2. And thus I too learnt the Greek alphabet!

    Also: "Fef Fef, teapot e gegone" or something like that!
