Wednesday 9 November 2016

Overtaken by events

Of course I have dozens of pictures from our New York trip.
Parks, museums, streets, meals, family outings,
Trick or Treating, iconic buildings and bridges, wildlife,
autumn colour, quirky sights.
You can probably imagine most of them.

I should put them up, as a reminder of an intense and amazing experience,
but what with my computer struggling to upload said pictures
while Photos fights with iPhoto
and me struggling to imagine what's going to happen now,
the following is the best I can manage.
It's bathetic I know.

Big Bird takes a moment in Central Park.

Dead bird lies on a Manhattan pavement.


  1. Had coffee with American friend , this morning , "Can't talk about it , WON'T talk about it "
    What's happened this year ?

  2. Dear Lucille, glad you were able to show us these pictures. I would like to post some photographs, but am also having problems. Maybe my concentration is way off after staying up until after 2 am.


    1. I hope you got that nap. I slept badly and woke at 4am thinking it was 6am and made the mistake of turning on my little radio. . .

  3. Big Bird seems a more likely candidate for President.
    I too woke on and off during the night and switched on the radio, also at 4am. Couldn't believe it. I should have phoned you for a chat...

  4. Not only do you take great photographs (and yet again, the top picture really captured me), but your perspective on the world is very thoughtful and enlightening. How wonderful it would be to accompany you to New York (or even York, for that matter)!

  5. That bird looks rather like a Snipe, I wonder if it is?

    1. I thought so too. But it's a short-billed Dowitcher. How long must the bill be on a long-billed Dowitcher?

    2. I dread to think!

  6. The difference in long- and short-billed Dowitcher bills is very small - They are hard to tell apart (they winter in Texas). I hope that continues through time, even though our president-elect believes global warming is "a hoax" and vows to back out of the climate accord. God help us all.

  7. I'm saying nothing about the news..... I'm one nervous breakdown ahead of you, though, on the Photos/iPhotos front; recently, I made the terrible mistake of trying Google Photos. I'm saying nothing about that either, except Don't.

  8. Poor bird and poor US. I loved NY when we visited in the summer. I'd love to go back but maybe not for quite a while... The world seems slightly bonkers at the moment.
    PS The dowitcher looks very like a woodcock.

  9. Wrote a comment a few days ago which the internet swallowed up whole. Always seems to do that when i comment on your blog.
    Anyway, your photos pretty much captured how I was feeling at the time.

  10. You do have a way with words. And photos. The US is looking bleak right now, I'm afraid. I have always fancied myself living in England...
