Sunday 24 October 2010

Happy Valley

A walk first taken over thirty years ago,
and revisited today.
A golf course has taken some heathland;
a new housing estate encroaches,

but not all the jewels were plundered.


  1. Fascinated by the berries on that fifth photo.....

    And am I seeing Spindleberries on that last shot? Re your last post, an orange and almond cake with orange and cardamom syrup was made this weekend... :O)))))))

  2. I love how fall brings glory to the berries of the bushes. Wonderful shots.

  3. Yes Spindleberries in the last shot and I'm not sure about the chain of berries but they were draped like necklaces on so many bushes.
    Glad to hear about the cake. I made the gingerbread, combining Nigella and Nigel!

  4. Wonderful photos all of them; i have never herd of spindleberries. I am pleased that you found beauty in an area that has been used for developmental. I think it is sad to see areas change.

  5. Thank you for your beautiful post. I live in a "gentrifying" neighborhood and focus too much on the fig and pomegranite trees and front yard gardens lost to giant McMansions with their tiny yards and banal landscaping. I will spend more time enjoying the jewels not plundered!

  6. so much beauty here ... the spindleberries are intriguing
