Saturday, 16 March 2019

Spring corners

It has been the most remarkable year for Mimosa.
It must have been that early February warmth because
I have never seen it flower so abundantly.
I usually miss the moment when a few branches can be found at the florist
but this year it was everywhere, smelling of clean water.
This one was in a scrubby little patch next to some public toilets.

Bonnard had it outside his studio window.
This painting at the  Tate Modern exhibition
made a change from all the ones of his wives
stretched out palely in tepid bathwater.

Gorse and its coordinating This Way sign.

Purple leaved plum, now sadly blown about by recent gales.

Wild garlic.

Banner in a patch of rarely penetrating sunlight.

 A bold decision to paint this dresser top.
Previously preserved in all its knotty, stained, 
multi-nailed original condition for twenty years, 
because it somehow seemed necessary to respect its antique status, 
I suddenly saw it for what it was - ugly.

And it wouldn't be Spring (or Autumn) without observing
that the rainbows are back.


  1. I do like the blue dresser. In fact, I'd be more than happy to have a couple of my old pieces of furniture transformed by a change of colour. Unfortunately they're unlikely to do it themselves ...

    1. No they'd have to be in Fantasia for that to happen.

  2. I enjoyed your description of Bonnard's wives! You are so ahead of us Spring-wise, barely any sign of wild garlic yet. Well done for taking the plunge with the dresser - why is it we revere old furniture we don't even like the look of anymore? Must be early conditioning. Plus I think there is always that niggling worry that once painted it would be very hard to go back. But it usually gives something a whole new lease of life... I bet it's the first thing you look at now when you go into that room.

    1. You are right! It's the utility room and I see quite a lot of it. I've put all my jugs on it now and they've had a new lease of life too.

  3. I remember seeing Mimosa growing when I was a child in the Welsh mountains but I haven't seen it anywhere for many years.

    The wild Garlic in my garden is nowhere near that stage of development!

  4. What a dream of a picture that rocking horse one is! I could weave a whole story around that one.

  5. There's wild garlic everywhere along the river banks here. Fashion is a funny thing, isn't it? Years ago, it seemed shocking that beautiful or even not-so-beautiful wood had been painted, and it had to be stripped. Now, painted is the thing. And in thirty years' time... well, I'd be nearly 99 by then so I don't suppose I'll ever find out!
