Monday, 19 March 2018

Desperate measures

As winter renews its grip

I have resorted to bringing indoors the 
 hopelessly optimistic blooms and blossoms
which have been repeatedly bludgeoned by snow and icy winds.

In a bid to entertain a housebound three year old
I started fiddling with some loo rolls and a taller inner tube from
some tinfoil which had a slighter smaller circumference.

Et voila, the Twisty Loo Roll Dressing up Girls© were born.
So far there are four interchangeable heads,
two tops, two skirts, and two leggings per girl.

Grand-daughter, rearranged the body parts to her own satisfaction
and to my slight distress, but she's gone home now
and I can play with them to my heart's content
refine the design and add to the wardrobe.

I had boys.
I've waited a long time for this.


  1. That's a lovely post Lucille and a closer look at the blossom is no bad thing.

    1. Atlantic air is bringing a little warmth. I can go out and admire the flowers in situ at last.

  2. Kind to blossoms and children, you are a martyr m'dear.

    1. I'm lucky I know. It's a fleeting window of opportunity for being an adequate source of entertainment and amusement.

  3. I'd have loved one of those myself, when I was small, and know all three daughters would have done.
    And then there were pipecleaner dolls and paper dress dolls and dolls houses and ....
    Boys only seemed to have sherrifs badges and conkers.

    1. Paper dolls were my favourite. I made them with backs and fronts and on one memorable occasion, real hair.
      Our boys had Lego mostly and Duplo, Brio and any other construction toys and trains sets, but there was a doll's house and lots of soft animals which mainly had to sit in a circle and be taught.

  4. Love it! it reminds me of that game where you draw a head on a piece of paper and fold it over for the next person to draw the body etc - can't remember what it's called but the children in my life love it. I think you've taken it to the next level though... Mattel will be kicking themselves! :-) Are there enough tubes for a twisty friend? And then you won't have to share...

    1. Picture consequences? I'm saving the tubes for some twisty dressing up boys.

  5. She's lovely! Sadly, I only know boys and they're rapidly getting bigger than me. I do miss all the games and cutting-out and some of the books. Well, not Mr Men - and definitely not those train books - and I loathed Noddy which unfortunately one of them loved - and Asterix can seem endless when you're reading aloud ...

    1. I loathed all of those too. She will never be introduced to Rupert Bear either.

  6. Those paper dolls have the most enchanting faces, vivid expressions, as if they are about to launch into chat, or giggling at something.

    1. Thank you! They got a bit wonky on the joins.

  7. What a brilliant idea. I loved anything like that when I was little. I loved The Bunty comic for the cut out dress up paper doll on the back 😊

  8. Wow, I love it! And shall shamelessly copy it once I can lay my hand on suitable rolls...

  9. That is inspired. We are off to look after little granddaughters next week. I shall be doing this!
